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Essay Help

Writing essays and term papers can be difficult. Turning in an essay or research paper that isn't your own will get you in serious trouble at your college. Use our free essays for ideas for your paper or coursework.

Why Essays Now?

Schoolwork is hard. It doesn't matter if it's a high school English essay or college biology coursework. In larger schools and college settings, it's common to see all coursework reduced to a handful of essays, lab reports, and tests. We've seen classes where a final term paper is 75% of your course grade, which makes it very stressful. Instead of worrying that your efforts will be ruined because of one paper, check out a free essay from our site.

Would you like to know how properly formatted biology lab coursework looks? We've got it. How about a college-level movie analysis? We've got that too. We don't give you papers to copy; that's plagiarism. However, we will show you everything we can about topics across the academic spectrum. Look, learn, and use us as a guide. Sometimes figuring out what your paper is “supposed” to look like is half the battle!

The Advantage of Reference Material

How does looking at an essay on this site help? It certainly makes it easier to understand formatting and other issues that might change between high school coursework and college coursework. If you're used to writing sociology essays, completing biology or geography coursework can be difficult. As more high schools and colleges turn toward an interdisciplinary education, the prospect of being faced with a foreign class is very real.

Essays Now is like having a friend who already took a class, and can show you examples of their coursework. You'll learn what scholars are saying about your topic – and you're free to cite any paper that's available for viewing. In addition, if you're writing a research essay, you'll have access to all the citations used in these papers too. Writing a scholarship essay in any discipline requires rigorous citing of sources in order to be persuasive; an essay without these notes will be graded much less favorably. Learn formatting, find sources, and gain a new perspective on your essay when you look through an essay example on Once you've done your research here, you'll have the tools you need to write the best essay possible, get a great grade on your biology coursework, and get the straight A's you deserve.

Term paper help

Writing essays and papers doesn't have to be painful. This site was built by students for students — students looking for a resource for brainstorming, reference sharing, and knowledge exchange. Think of us as an encyclopedia of ideas. Life just got a little easier.

Don't Waste Time on Ineffective Essay Writing

We know how hard it is to come up with an original and exciting thesis that your professor or teacher will enjoy. Finding a topic that you like writing about can be next to impossible! Instead of getting bored, get started with free coursework help from Whether you're looking for a political science essay or just a short story, Essays Now has the writing assistance you need.

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